Tuesday, 15 November 2011

New Business Cards!!!!

EEEEEEEE! I got my new business cards in the mail today! I am SO excited about them and SUPER proud of the design. I LOVE the look of them - the fonts, the colours, the design - everything! (Did you know that I used to do graphic design as a side-job waaaayyyy back in the early 00s?)

I got them printed at Vistaprint, which is the black sheep of the printing industry, but I'm on a budget, so they definitely work for me. Plus, for only a few dollars more, I got them glossy and on thicker stock. In all, 1000 cards cost me only $68 delivered. Pretty cheap, I think. 

Great timing, since A Real Piece of Work is right around the corner!

Opening the package  can you stand the suspense?!?

So perfect, right? I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
Here is a copy of the file that I designed and sent in.
Since the photograph shows the super glossy finish, the blue background looks a bit darker.
Here you can get the real idea :)


  1. As above give a nice and new pattern New Business Cards.

    business cards

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a Amazing post ! If you want to know more design regarding the Printing you can check here https://esmartprints.com/product-category/roll-up-banners/


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