Monday, 19 November 2012

Journal Heaven!!

Once I got all of my journals together for my show this past weekend, I was THRILLED at the quantity and quality that I had!!

Here are some pictures that I snapped with my iPhone. The quality of the photos isn't great, but I am SO proud of my display!!!

So many great colours, lots of selection, and lots of different heights and levels to draw the customers' attention.


  1. they look fantastic Shannon, well done you!

  2. It looks fabulous, Shannon! I hope it went well for you sales wise too!

  3. Your display looks lovely Shannon!!! I don't know if you are using an app for your photo's or not but I highly recommend Hipstamatic as it seems to take close-up macro type pic's!! I can't remember now if I paid money for it or not but I use if a lot!


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