Tuesday, 4 October 2011


It's taco day in North America. Funny - it's vodka day, too, but let's get down to business here.  TACOs!

From Wikipedia: A taco ( /ˈtɑːkoʊ/) is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. A taco can be made with a variety of fillings, including beef, chicken, seafood, vegetables and cheese, allowing for great versatility and variety. A taco is generally eaten without utensils and is often accompanied by garnishes such as salsa, avocado or guacamole, cilantro, tomatoes, onions and lettuce.

At the Old Country Buffet on Sunday, the Monkey and I enjoyed a Taco Bar! Ahhhhh... A buffet without a taco bar is like soda without bubbles: you can still consume it, but it's really nothing to get excited about.

What's for dinner on YOUR table tonight? We're having...tacos.

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